How To Get Rid Of Mice In Your Yard Naturally - 3 Ways to Get Rid of Mice Naturally wikiHow
You could be shocked to spot a mouse in your kitchen, yet nevertheless not feel that single mouse a great deal of threat. If you see even one mouse in your residence, however, it is a good bet that you've got got entire families of mice—as part of your walls, into your attic, in hard-to-reach places in your garage, plus other hidden places. And in some cases it's not necessary to usually have most of these resilient pests in your residence, spotting that a person mouse suggests that may very well soon. Learing how to get rid of mice begins with one simple choice: do you want to do things the easy way or the hard way? Helping get rid of mice can be as simple as making one phone call to a pest control professional, or else it can seem like you're chasing invisible mice in walls. For those brave souls who want to face these disease-carrying rodents on your own, here's what you need to know about how to get rid of mice.
Being naturally nocturnal, voracious nibblers, and rapid reproducers (starting along the tender day of 6 weeks) how does one start coping with mice without looking towards mainstream methods? Enter an exciting little idea called integrated pest management (IPM.) It requires some more work, dedication, and thought than other methods, but you can handle without needing toxic chemicals, so that it far superior during my opinion. IPM involves pest proofing your residence by sealing up any potential entrances, keeping food well sealed and securely locked away, knowing your pests habits, likes/dislikes, and eliminating any water sources.
Combine an IPM program with some DIY deterrents and repellents, specialists thought of successful comprehensive plan to eliminate mice naturally.
How Poison Works: Most rodenticides on the market today are anti-coagulants. They essentially inhibit your bodys power to clot blood, which ends up with the mouse hemorrhaging and bleeding to death internally. Warfarin, brodifacoum, diefenacoum, and flocoumafen. While everyone of these are nasty and toxic, flocoumafen is extremely powerful that it's only legally certified for indoor use. In addition to prohibiting blood clotting, the poisons can make the mice extremely thirsty. They then leave the house interested in water and die. Atop considerable time, along with the risk you pose to pets and kids, you will find secondary poisoning to consider. Many poisons are toxic to animals which will consume the mice, for example birds of prey-or your canine friend or cat.
How Traps Work: Fairly self-explanatory, both main traps that can be found are sticky traps and snap traps. Snap traps are triggered if the mouse benefits the bait, and a solid spring mechanism snaps a wire down, damaging the rodents neck. I had, unfortunately, been witness in order to many trap malfunctions-one particularly gruesome one involved the mouse pulling back making sure that its neck didn't break, however snout additionally,the front component of its face was crushed and caught with the trap. It had been a whole lot alive afterwards. It could sound soft-hearted, but I can not stand the sight of a pest struggling and pain.
Sticky traps are about as inhumane while they get. The mouse runs upon it, sticks, and is also terrified while its struggles to escape. It is going to either die slowly of dehydration or starvation. The traps can rip off fur and skin when they struggle, and rodents have attemptedto chew through their unique limbs to put together free.
Building mice out, or rodent-proofing the home, is an easy way to forestall mice infestations from expanding or ever occurring in the primary place. Defend your property from mice through the elimination of points of entry and simple access. This is often difficult because of mouse's ability to squeeze itself into even the smallest of openings (one-quarter of an inch and up). A good principle is if you can fit a pencil right crack, hole or opening, a mouse can complete it.
Seal cracks in the walls including openings during the walls, including where utility pipes and vents occur. Steel wool and caulking is effective here. Avoid using plastic, rubber, wood or anything mice can easily gnaw through as sealants. Get weather stripping for door and window gaps and guarantee the sweep for your door creates a seal resistant to the threshold if it is closed.
The simplest way to help do away with mice during an ongoing infestation is with mouse traps.The classic wooden snap traps will do just fine for light to moderate mouse populations, but take into account most people will underestimate mice infestations. It's not unusual to put one dozen traps for one mouse - or how you feel is simply one mouse. Use plenty. It is additionally cognizant of lay different styles of traps. Use bait traps, multiple-capture live traps and glue traps with the wooden traps. This particular you a better chance at catching the entire mice, since some may be keen to certain types of traps and know in order to avoid them.
You need to use whatever food the mice are already eating in the house for bait, or mouse-approved favorites including chocolate, peanut butter, bacon, oatmeal, dried fruit or hazelnut spread. As you seek to put the baited trap, tie the bait to trigger with fishing line or dental floss. This makes sure the mice get what's coming over for them without "making off with the cheese." You may as well secure the bait having a hot glue gun. Replace with fresh bait every two days. If the food item isn't working, you can look at using nesting material including cotton balls or feathers.
Put the traps perpendicular for the walls, while using the trigger section facing the baseboard. This makes the mouse to run towards the bait precisely as it naturally scurries across the walls, as opposed to running about the trap from unacceptable direction, triggering it prematurely. Mice don't travel in excess of 10 or 20 feet from food sources and nesting areas (i.e., their territory), so put the traps anywhere apparently mice or signs of mice, for instance rodent droppings or "rubbings" on baseboards and walls. Change trap locations every 2 days or so. Mice are naturally curious so they won't avoid traps like rats will.
Bait stations (or bait packages) are sealed packets containing meal or pellets. They typically may be found in plastic, paper or cellophane wrapping, allowing the mice to easily gnaw through and get at the preserved, fresh bait. The mice feed on this subject bait and die. While useful removing mice, the items are usually handled by trained pest management professionals to be sure the safety of you, your children as well as your pets.
Mice can survive on just 3 to 4 grams of food on a daily basis, so a number of crumbs here and there are extremely they need. Vacuum your floors and don't forget to wipe down counters, eliminating residue, crumbs and any admittance to food sources. Store food in glass jars or airtight containers. Don't ignore securing your garbage. Mice have sharp incisor teeth for them to chew through nearly all food, even concrete if for example mood strikes them, so plastic bags 're no match for hungry rodents.
Remove debris around your dwelling where mice can hide. Keep weeds with a minimum and destroy burrows and nesting areas as you may find them. Lining your home's foundation having strip of heavy gravel is a sensible way to prevent nesting and burrowing. The less debris and clutter around your residence and property, the more it may be to spot signs of rodent activity as well as prevent mice dead within their tracks.
Many cats like to hunt mice. Some dogs may even get along the fun. If you have pets, they usually are the easiest way to catch a mouse without lifting a finger. With no pets, now could very well be enjoyable to stop watching cat videos net own one in real life. Many farms use farm or barn cats to operate their mouse population. Certainly, some pets just can't be bothered with mice - for example using the way many of us pamper their fur babies.
My family laughed when my Dad laid out aluminum foil one particularly mouse infested year up at the cabin. He covered the entire countertop with the stuff-cereal boxes, granola bars, everything. It looked, quite frankly, ridiculous. But lo and behold, the next morning, not a thing had been touched. No mouse had crept over the foil. It was probably a combination of the smell, and the slippery and noisy surface (the phrase “quiet as a mouse” didn’t come from nowhere!)
If you know where the mice are breaking in, wad up some foil and firmly jam it in the hole. Have you ever bitten a piece of aluminum foil? It gives me goose bumps just thinking about the sensation. I don’t know if mice don’t like the taste or feel, or if it just strikes them as too unnatural to penetrate, but I’ve had great success with this simple way to keep the mice at bay. This is a good first step to try before moving up to the copper wire solution above.
Cover the surface where you’re finding mouse droppings with the foil. Of course you can’t cover your whole house, but if you’re finding them on the countertops, for example, cover those with the foil. Lay the foil at night right before bedtime, and fold up in the morning. You can re-use it, but I recommend against it, on the off-hand chance that a mouse did track its little mitts all over it!
Cloves elicit memories of warm holidays and cozy nights by the fire for us, but for some mice, they find the smell distasteful and overwhelming. It seems slightly counterintuitive that a smell that reminds us of holiday baking would be so unappealing to a mouse, but the strong essential oil in cloves encourages is irritating to them. You can use whole cloves, or clove essential oil on cotton balls. I prefer the essential oil as it is more powerful than the latter.
You will need :
-Clove essential oil OR whole cloves
-Cotton balls
Apply in the same way as the peppermint oil. Put 20-30 drops onto a cotton ball and place strategically around the house. Be sure you don’t have any pets wandering around that would gulp it down. If you’re using whole cloves, wrap them in an old piece of cotton t shirt and use in place of the cotton balls.
Exclusion is a huge part of solving a mouse problem. High quality steel wool is a popular item used to block entrances that mice use to get in and out of your house, and it can work quite well. However, you usually need to use a caulking compound to ensure the mice don’t pull the steel wool out of the hole, and the steel will degrade and rust over time. Copper wool, or copper wire mesh, on the other hand, won’t rust or degrade, and is woven finely to make it that much harder to chew through or pull out. If you have a deep crack, you can tightly stuff several layers of the copper into it which is usually sufficient to hold it in. If you have a shallower space you need to fill, or particularly stubborn mice that find a way to yank it out, you may want to look at a chemical/toxin free caulk or sealant. I won’t go into detail on those products right now since that has enough information to be a post unto itself!
You will need :
-1 roll of copper wire mesh/copper steel
Roll up the copper into thin wads and stuff firmly into cracks/holes/any entrances being used by the mice. Use a stick to really jam it in there, and use as many layers as you can without making it loose or sloppy. After installing, you can also spray with a little bit of hot pepper spray for extra deterrent.
While I point blank refuse to use dryer sheets in the dryer, I do find myself turning to them at times to help with mice. It’s the lesser of two evils when it comes to poison. I actually learned of this little trick at the barn where I keep my horses. Since my barn cat happens to be incredibly lazy, I learned from another horsey friend that mice hate the smell of dryer sheets. Sure enough, after placing 1-2 in my tack locker, I was no longer finding mouse droppings or (on really bad days) mice that had decided to crawl into my stuff to die.
You will need :
-Regular old dryer sheets
Lay out around problem areas. Refresh when the scent is extremely faded/gone (usually once a month or so.) It’s a good idea to weight down the corners of the sheets. On the offhand chance you forget to replace them, they can be used as nesting material for the mice once the odor wears off. They can also be moved quite easily. I personally like to use them to help plug up any entrances I find that the mice are breaking into.
This is a special little concoction that that doesn’t involve manufactured chemicals or toxins-although I would recommend wearing goggles and gloves when you apply it! This is a spray made entirely from hot peppers. While we might like a little heat to our food, think about when you get hit with something too spicy. Your eyes start to burn, you’re in pain, and if the scoville units get high enough (the unit used to measure the heat of hot peppers) you can even kick the bucket.
Now imagine you’re a mouse, just a few inches off the floor, snuffling around and minding your own business (kind of) when you stumble across a patch of burning hot “pepper spray.” With your eyes and nose so close to the ground, you’ll be extremely uncomfortable and irritated and not exactly excited to continue on with your journey. You’ll probably turn back to find another, less spicy, place to invade.
This spray uses habanero peppers, which have a scoville rating of 100,000-350,000 units, and cayenne peppers, which rate at 30,000-50,000 units. Compare this to the 1,000-4,000 units of a jalapeno, and it’s easy to see why this is so repugnant to rodents.
You will need :
-1/2 cup chopped habaneros
-2 tablespoons hot pepper flakes
-16 cups (1 gallon) of fresh water
-Two 2 gallon buckets
-A gallon jug and a spray bottle
-A large pot
Wear gloves and goggles when making and applying this powerful mixture. A surgical mask isn’t a bad idea either, as it can cause some respiratory irritation in some individuals.
In a large pot, bring water to a boil. Put peppers and flakes in a food processor and blend until they are a little more roughly chopped up. You can do this by hand, but I find it less irritating to the eyes to use the food processor. Put the pepper blend into a 2 gallon bucket, and then pour the boiling water over them. Cover the mixture and allow it to sit for 24 hours. Using cheesecloth, strain out the pepper bits by pouring the mixture into another 2 gallon bucket. Fill your spray bottle and spritz around entrances and affected areas. A little goes a long way! Don’t use this on carpets as it may discolor the surface. I like to apply around the outside perimeter of my house, but if you want to apply it indoors, after a day or two wipe the old spray up with some water and reapply. Always test a small area first to make sure it doesn’t affect the color.
The mixture, covered, keeps for months out of direct sunlight, so simply refill your bottle when needed.
Mice, while nowhere near as impressive as say, dogs, still have a fairly acute sense of smell that beats our own. So while we find the smell of peppermint refreshing, tangy, and pleasant, mice find it overwhelming and offensive. This isn’t the best remedy to deter mice, but it makes a nice compliment to a solid IPM program.
You will need…
-cotton balls
-peppermint essential oil
Add 20-30 drops of peppermint essential oil to each cotton ball and lay strategically around your home. Refresh every week or so, or whenever you notice the smell is fading. Feel free to experiment with other essential oils/oil blends in addition to peppermint.
While dogs, bless their loyal hearts, are man's ally and useful in countless ways, they less complicated farther taken away from their ancestors with regards to behavior than cats are. You will discover varieties of dogs that hunt happily, naturally, but you are hard pressed to get yourself a cat it doesn't contain a refined “killer instinct” so to speak. Whenever you want to naturally eliminate mice, the cat is the best friend. When you've got a pest problem, and there is a means to use a cat, do it! Keep in mind, th kitten will even be a part of the family-not just something you use for only a mouse problem. Then there is always the prospect you end up with one that isn't a good mouser, in which case, you've just gained another wonderful family member.
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Why is Getting Rid of Mice a Priority?
You could be shocked to spot a mouse in your kitchen, yet nevertheless not feel that single mouse a great deal of threat. If you see even one mouse in your residence, however, it is a good bet that you've got got entire families of mice—as part of your walls, into your attic, in hard-to-reach places in your garage, plus other hidden places. And in some cases it's not necessary to usually have most of these resilient pests in your residence, spotting that a person mouse suggests that may very well soon. Learing how to get rid of mice begins with one simple choice: do you want to do things the easy way or the hard way? Helping get rid of mice can be as simple as making one phone call to a pest control professional, or else it can seem like you're chasing invisible mice in walls. For those brave souls who want to face these disease-carrying rodents on your own, here's what you need to know about how to get rid of mice.
Being naturally nocturnal, voracious nibblers, and rapid reproducers (starting along the tender day of 6 weeks) how does one start coping with mice without looking towards mainstream methods? Enter an exciting little idea called integrated pest management (IPM.) It requires some more work, dedication, and thought than other methods, but you can handle without needing toxic chemicals, so that it far superior during my opinion. IPM involves pest proofing your residence by sealing up any potential entrances, keeping food well sealed and securely locked away, knowing your pests habits, likes/dislikes, and eliminating any water sources.
Combine an IPM program with some DIY deterrents and repellents, specialists thought of successful comprehensive plan to eliminate mice naturally.
How Poison Works: Most rodenticides on the market today are anti-coagulants. They essentially inhibit your bodys power to clot blood, which ends up with the mouse hemorrhaging and bleeding to death internally. Warfarin, brodifacoum, diefenacoum, and flocoumafen. While everyone of these are nasty and toxic, flocoumafen is extremely powerful that it's only legally certified for indoor use. In addition to prohibiting blood clotting, the poisons can make the mice extremely thirsty. They then leave the house interested in water and die. Atop considerable time, along with the risk you pose to pets and kids, you will find secondary poisoning to consider. Many poisons are toxic to animals which will consume the mice, for example birds of prey-or your canine friend or cat.
How Traps Work: Fairly self-explanatory, both main traps that can be found are sticky traps and snap traps. Snap traps are triggered if the mouse benefits the bait, and a solid spring mechanism snaps a wire down, damaging the rodents neck. I had, unfortunately, been witness in order to many trap malfunctions-one particularly gruesome one involved the mouse pulling back making sure that its neck didn't break, however snout additionally,the front component of its face was crushed and caught with the trap. It had been a whole lot alive afterwards. It could sound soft-hearted, but I can not stand the sight of a pest struggling and pain.
Sticky traps are about as inhumane while they get. The mouse runs upon it, sticks, and is also terrified while its struggles to escape. It is going to either die slowly of dehydration or starvation. The traps can rip off fur and skin when they struggle, and rodents have attemptedto chew through their unique limbs to put together free.
1. Eliminate entry points.
Building mice out, or rodent-proofing the home, is an easy way to forestall mice infestations from expanding or ever occurring in the primary place. Defend your property from mice through the elimination of points of entry and simple access. This is often difficult because of mouse's ability to squeeze itself into even the smallest of openings (one-quarter of an inch and up). A good principle is if you can fit a pencil right crack, hole or opening, a mouse can complete it.
Seal cracks in the walls including openings during the walls, including where utility pipes and vents occur. Steel wool and caulking is effective here. Avoid using plastic, rubber, wood or anything mice can easily gnaw through as sealants. Get weather stripping for door and window gaps and guarantee the sweep for your door creates a seal resistant to the threshold if it is closed.
2. Use mouse traps.
The simplest way to help do away with mice during an ongoing infestation is with mouse traps.The classic wooden snap traps will do just fine for light to moderate mouse populations, but take into account most people will underestimate mice infestations. It's not unusual to put one dozen traps for one mouse - or how you feel is simply one mouse. Use plenty. It is additionally cognizant of lay different styles of traps. Use bait traps, multiple-capture live traps and glue traps with the wooden traps. This particular you a better chance at catching the entire mice, since some may be keen to certain types of traps and know in order to avoid them.
Related > Will They Ever Build Better Mouse Traps?
3. Choose the best bait for mouse traps.
You need to use whatever food the mice are already eating in the house for bait, or mouse-approved favorites including chocolate, peanut butter, bacon, oatmeal, dried fruit or hazelnut spread. As you seek to put the baited trap, tie the bait to trigger with fishing line or dental floss. This makes sure the mice get what's coming over for them without "making off with the cheese." You may as well secure the bait having a hot glue gun. Replace with fresh bait every two days. If the food item isn't working, you can look at using nesting material including cotton balls or feathers.
4. Proper placement of mouse traps is critical.
Put the traps perpendicular for the walls, while using the trigger section facing the baseboard. This makes the mouse to run towards the bait precisely as it naturally scurries across the walls, as opposed to running about the trap from unacceptable direction, triggering it prematurely. Mice don't travel in excess of 10 or 20 feet from food sources and nesting areas (i.e., their territory), so put the traps anywhere apparently mice or signs of mice, for instance rodent droppings or "rubbings" on baseboards and walls. Change trap locations every 2 days or so. Mice are naturally curious so they won't avoid traps like rats will.
5. Bait stations.
Bait stations (or bait packages) are sealed packets containing meal or pellets. They typically may be found in plastic, paper or cellophane wrapping, allowing the mice to easily gnaw through and get at the preserved, fresh bait. The mice feed on this subject bait and die. While useful removing mice, the items are usually handled by trained pest management professionals to be sure the safety of you, your children as well as your pets.
6. Good sanitation won't get rid of mice, but poor sanitation will attract them.
Mice can survive on just 3 to 4 grams of food on a daily basis, so a number of crumbs here and there are extremely they need. Vacuum your floors and don't forget to wipe down counters, eliminating residue, crumbs and any admittance to food sources. Store food in glass jars or airtight containers. Don't ignore securing your garbage. Mice have sharp incisor teeth for them to chew through nearly all food, even concrete if for example mood strikes them, so plastic bags 're no match for hungry rodents.
7. Tackle the mice in the house and out.
Remove debris around your dwelling where mice can hide. Keep weeds with a minimum and destroy burrows and nesting areas as you may find them. Lining your home's foundation having strip of heavy gravel is a sensible way to prevent nesting and burrowing. The less debris and clutter around your residence and property, the more it may be to spot signs of rodent activity as well as prevent mice dead within their tracks.
8. Cats vs Mice.
Many cats like to hunt mice. Some dogs may even get along the fun. If you have pets, they usually are the easiest way to catch a mouse without lifting a finger. With no pets, now could very well be enjoyable to stop watching cat videos net own one in real life. Many farms use farm or barn cats to operate their mouse population. Certainly, some pets just can't be bothered with mice - for example using the way many of us pamper their fur babies.
9. Aluminum Foil
My family laughed when my Dad laid out aluminum foil one particularly mouse infested year up at the cabin. He covered the entire countertop with the stuff-cereal boxes, granola bars, everything. It looked, quite frankly, ridiculous. But lo and behold, the next morning, not a thing had been touched. No mouse had crept over the foil. It was probably a combination of the smell, and the slippery and noisy surface (the phrase “quiet as a mouse” didn’t come from nowhere!)
If you know where the mice are breaking in, wad up some foil and firmly jam it in the hole. Have you ever bitten a piece of aluminum foil? It gives me goose bumps just thinking about the sensation. I don’t know if mice don’t like the taste or feel, or if it just strikes them as too unnatural to penetrate, but I’ve had great success with this simple way to keep the mice at bay. This is a good first step to try before moving up to the copper wire solution above.
Cover the surface where you’re finding mouse droppings with the foil. Of course you can’t cover your whole house, but if you’re finding them on the countertops, for example, cover those with the foil. Lay the foil at night right before bedtime, and fold up in the morning. You can re-use it, but I recommend against it, on the off-hand chance that a mouse did track its little mitts all over it!
10. Cloves
Cloves elicit memories of warm holidays and cozy nights by the fire for us, but for some mice, they find the smell distasteful and overwhelming. It seems slightly counterintuitive that a smell that reminds us of holiday baking would be so unappealing to a mouse, but the strong essential oil in cloves encourages is irritating to them. You can use whole cloves, or clove essential oil on cotton balls. I prefer the essential oil as it is more powerful than the latter.
You will need :
-Clove essential oil OR whole cloves
-Cotton balls
Apply in the same way as the peppermint oil. Put 20-30 drops onto a cotton ball and place strategically around the house. Be sure you don’t have any pets wandering around that would gulp it down. If you’re using whole cloves, wrap them in an old piece of cotton t shirt and use in place of the cotton balls.
11. Bring Out the Copper
Exclusion is a huge part of solving a mouse problem. High quality steel wool is a popular item used to block entrances that mice use to get in and out of your house, and it can work quite well. However, you usually need to use a caulking compound to ensure the mice don’t pull the steel wool out of the hole, and the steel will degrade and rust over time. Copper wool, or copper wire mesh, on the other hand, won’t rust or degrade, and is woven finely to make it that much harder to chew through or pull out. If you have a deep crack, you can tightly stuff several layers of the copper into it which is usually sufficient to hold it in. If you have a shallower space you need to fill, or particularly stubborn mice that find a way to yank it out, you may want to look at a chemical/toxin free caulk or sealant. I won’t go into detail on those products right now since that has enough information to be a post unto itself!
You will need :
-1 roll of copper wire mesh/copper steel
Roll up the copper into thin wads and stuff firmly into cracks/holes/any entrances being used by the mice. Use a stick to really jam it in there, and use as many layers as you can without making it loose or sloppy. After installing, you can also spray with a little bit of hot pepper spray for extra deterrent.
12. Dryer Sheets
While I point blank refuse to use dryer sheets in the dryer, I do find myself turning to them at times to help with mice. It’s the lesser of two evils when it comes to poison. I actually learned of this little trick at the barn where I keep my horses. Since my barn cat happens to be incredibly lazy, I learned from another horsey friend that mice hate the smell of dryer sheets. Sure enough, after placing 1-2 in my tack locker, I was no longer finding mouse droppings or (on really bad days) mice that had decided to crawl into my stuff to die.
You will need :
-Regular old dryer sheets
Lay out around problem areas. Refresh when the scent is extremely faded/gone (usually once a month or so.) It’s a good idea to weight down the corners of the sheets. On the offhand chance you forget to replace them, they can be used as nesting material for the mice once the odor wears off. They can also be moved quite easily. I personally like to use them to help plug up any entrances I find that the mice are breaking into.
13. Mouse Deterrent Spray
This is a special little concoction that that doesn’t involve manufactured chemicals or toxins-although I would recommend wearing goggles and gloves when you apply it! This is a spray made entirely from hot peppers. While we might like a little heat to our food, think about when you get hit with something too spicy. Your eyes start to burn, you’re in pain, and if the scoville units get high enough (the unit used to measure the heat of hot peppers) you can even kick the bucket.
Now imagine you’re a mouse, just a few inches off the floor, snuffling around and minding your own business (kind of) when you stumble across a patch of burning hot “pepper spray.” With your eyes and nose so close to the ground, you’ll be extremely uncomfortable and irritated and not exactly excited to continue on with your journey. You’ll probably turn back to find another, less spicy, place to invade.
This spray uses habanero peppers, which have a scoville rating of 100,000-350,000 units, and cayenne peppers, which rate at 30,000-50,000 units. Compare this to the 1,000-4,000 units of a jalapeno, and it’s easy to see why this is so repugnant to rodents.
You will need :
-1/2 cup chopped habaneros
-2 tablespoons hot pepper flakes
-16 cups (1 gallon) of fresh water
-Two 2 gallon buckets
-A gallon jug and a spray bottle
-A large pot
Wear gloves and goggles when making and applying this powerful mixture. A surgical mask isn’t a bad idea either, as it can cause some respiratory irritation in some individuals.
In a large pot, bring water to a boil. Put peppers and flakes in a food processor and blend until they are a little more roughly chopped up. You can do this by hand, but I find it less irritating to the eyes to use the food processor. Put the pepper blend into a 2 gallon bucket, and then pour the boiling water over them. Cover the mixture and allow it to sit for 24 hours. Using cheesecloth, strain out the pepper bits by pouring the mixture into another 2 gallon bucket. Fill your spray bottle and spritz around entrances and affected areas. A little goes a long way! Don’t use this on carpets as it may discolor the surface. I like to apply around the outside perimeter of my house, but if you want to apply it indoors, after a day or two wipe the old spray up with some water and reapply. Always test a small area first to make sure it doesn’t affect the color.
The mixture, covered, keeps for months out of direct sunlight, so simply refill your bottle when needed.
14. Peppermint Essential Oil
Mice, while nowhere near as impressive as say, dogs, still have a fairly acute sense of smell that beats our own. So while we find the smell of peppermint refreshing, tangy, and pleasant, mice find it overwhelming and offensive. This isn’t the best remedy to deter mice, but it makes a nice compliment to a solid IPM program.
You will need…
-cotton balls
-peppermint essential oil
Add 20-30 drops of peppermint essential oil to each cotton ball and lay strategically around your home. Refresh every week or so, or whenever you notice the smell is fading. Feel free to experiment with other essential oils/oil blends in addition to peppermint.
15. Let Nature Do Its Thing
While dogs, bless their loyal hearts, are man's ally and useful in countless ways, they less complicated farther taken away from their ancestors with regards to behavior than cats are. You will discover varieties of dogs that hunt happily, naturally, but you are hard pressed to get yourself a cat it doesn't contain a refined “killer instinct” so to speak. Whenever you want to naturally eliminate mice, the cat is the best friend. When you've got a pest problem, and there is a means to use a cat, do it! Keep in mind, th kitten will even be a part of the family-not just something you use for only a mouse problem. Then there is always the prospect you end up with one that isn't a good mouser, in which case, you've just gained another wonderful family member.
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